EduSuite Educational Updates

Regular updates of key educational news, research and blogs ensures school leaders and teaching staff are kept up to date on best practice and what is happening in the world of education.

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Black History Month – Proud to be

25 September 2021

'Inspired by Black Lives Matter, Black History Month UK are launching a new campaign for Black History Month 2021 called ‘Proud To Be’. The campaign will encourage Black and Brown…

Fostering leaders in the Early Years

24 September 2021

Read an open access article from The Chartered College of Teaching from the latest issue of Impact. In this article Polly Crowther and Mona Sakr explore the need for improved…

National professional qualifications (NPQs) reforms

23 September 2021

National professional qualifications (NPQs) are a national, voluntary suite of qualifications, designed to support the professional development of teachers and leaders. A reformed suite of NPQs has become available this term for…

The Story Time trial

22 September 2021

A trial is set to explore which techniques used by teachers when reading stories aloud have the greatest impact on pupil progress. The Story Time Trial, commissioned by the Education…

Virtual conference: Mental health in schools – where next?

21 September 2021

1 in 10 children reported as having a clinically diagnosed mental health disorder. 70% of children have not had appropriate interventions at an early age. 75% of all education staff…

Safeguarding transgender children

20 September 2021

How society thinks and talks about gender has evolved significantly in recent years. It is a developing conversation taking place internally within organisations and more widely in the public sphere.…

EEF has updated its toolkit

19 September 2021

The Education Endowment Foundation has launched an updated version of their flagship resource, the Teaching and Learning Toolkit. The Toolkit is designed to support teachers and school leaders who are looking…

Blog: Prequestioning

18 September 2021

'Prequestioning can be an effective pedagogical strategy to support learning'. 'Whilst the well-documented positive effects of retrieval practice have quite rightly received a lot of attention in recent years, prequestioning seems…

What is school leadership?

17 September 2021

Schools are amazing places. Every day, a billion young people across the world spend their days in a school of some description (UNICEF 2019). Society demands a lot from schools,…

Relationships education: what you need to know

16 September 2021

The guidance to relationships and sex education has had a delayed introduction owing to the pandemic. However, from September, all schools and colleges are expected to have their updated curriculum in place.…

What is school leadership?

15 September 2021

Schools are amazing places. Every day, a billion young people across the world spend their days in a school of some description (UNICEF 2019). Society demands a lot from schools,…

Have you listened to Teacher Hug radio?

14 September 2021

Teacher Hug is an online talk radio station for the education community. They aim to unite teachers, leaders, disruptors and innovators.  Teacher Hug is buzzing with ideas, one that supports,…
