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Ofsted’s inspection timetable

3 December 2021

Chris Russell, Ofsted's National Director for Education has released a blog which explains when schools might be inspected over the coming years. Ofsted has recently been given additional funding by…

Operation Encompass Helpline

3 December 2021

Are you concerned about a child or children in your school experiencing domestic abuse? Did you know you can access free, unlimited clinical support from an educational psychologist through the…

Early reading webinar from Ofsted

2 December 2021

Ofsted have released a recorded webinar delivered by Shazia Akram, HMI, in the South East region, who talks about the importance of early reading and what inspectors look at on…

Curriculum prioritisation in primary maths

2 December 2021

The NCETM has produced a term-by-term framework to support maths planning and teaching in 2021/22 - and the spring term units are now available. This resource provides coherent sequencing for…

Have you seen the Reading House model?

1 December 2021

The Reading House model Last week, the EEF published their revised report - 'Improving Literacy in KS2' and  ​‘The Reading House’, features in this report. It is designed to support…

7 key insights from the pandemic schools need to know

30 November 2021

New research from the Chartered College of Teaching has identified numerous innovations and issues from the pandemic that schools need to be aware of to help inform future practice. The…

EEF: ‘Improving literacy in KS2’ guidance report updated

29 November 2021

The EEF’s newly updated guidance report – “Improving Literacy in Key Stage 2”– is complete with brand new visual models and exemplification for teachers and school leaders looking to maximise…

Are we too quick to kick wellbeing ideas into the ‘long grass’?

28 November 2021

Catherine Carden suggests that wellbeing practices adopted in the private and business sectors are all too often dismissed by education establishments as being unachievable. She invites you to consider how…

The ​‘Joy’ of the Autumn Term – Teaching Children Social and Emotional Learning Skills

27 November 2021

The autumn term is a term of resilience and enjoyment, that getting to know every child with their unique personalities, nuances, hooks and triggers whilst ​‘setting the stall’ for expectations. The inevitability…

Plan, do, review: the reviewing part of the metacognitive process

26 November 2021

Time and time again, metacognition is highlighted as a low-cost, hyper effective learning strategy for students. Metacognitive strategies specific to planning, monitoring and reviewing learning are particularly helpful for supporting students in…

Geography curriculum webinar from Ofsted

25 November 2021

Ofsted has released a recorded webinar, delivered by Iain Freeland, HMI, Subject Lead for geography on how pupils get better at geography. Click here to access the webinar on Youtube.

A balanced approach to successful professional development

24 November 2021

Kirstin Mulholland, the EEF’s new maths content specialist, explains the mechanisms from the EEF’s latest guidance report. At a time when high-quality, impactful PD has never been more important, just what…
