EduSuite Educational Updates

Regular updates of key educational news, research and blogs ensures school leaders and teaching staff are kept up to date on best practice and what is happening in the world of education.

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‘Welcome to school’ resources written in Farsi, Serbian and Ukrainian

14 March 2022

Phoenix Education Consultancy has produced resources aimed at children recently arrived in England to explain some of the processes in attending school.  Click here to access the documents.

The curriculum as a never-ending story: Some thoughts on curriculum discussions

14 March 2022

Curriculum design can be a daunting and intimidating task for even the most expert subject leader. In this article, Mary Myatt breaks down the fundamentals of curriculum design so middle…

Improving your team’s wellbeing: the positive steps senior leaders can take

13 March 2022

“It’s so important that the leadership in schools recognises the need to address teachers’ wellbeing,” says Scott Stanyer, Associate Assistant Headteacher at a secondary school in Luton. Reducing workloads To…

To what extent does grammar teaching help children learn to write?

12 March 2022

The teaching of grammar in primary schools in England (a key feature of England’s national curriculum) does not appear to help children’s narrative writing, although it may help them generate…

EEF blog: Understanding the relationship between implementation and professional development

11 March 2022

Jonathan Sharples explains how professional development fits into the process of implementing new approaches in the classroom. One of the most striking insights that has emerged from the evidence base…

Computing Quality Framework for Schools

10 March 2022

The National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) Computing Quality Framework is intended to help schools review their progress in developing the computing curriculum. The framework takes you through each aspect of…

National Fieldwork Week

9 March 2022

The Geographical Association is encouraging schools to take part in National Fieldwork Week, to be held in the summer term in the week 6 to 10 June 2022. Fieldwork is an essential part of…

#DiverseEd Face to Face Conference (ECTs/ Mentors focus)

8 March 2022

DiverseEd are hosting an exciting day of dynamic conversations about diversity, equity and inclusion. The theme for the event is 'Legacy'. Saturday 26th March 2022, 9:30 am – 16:30 pm Click…

Safeguarding considerations for getting changed at school

7 March 2022

Schools have a duty to protect the children and young people in their care. This should include putting measures in place to make sure children and young people feel comfortable…

The Role of a Leader in Building Capacity

6 March 2022

When it comes to leadership, there is no one right way or quick fix.  Just like with learning, it's a process, not an event.  Another given is that no matter…

Teacher handbook: SEND

5 March 2022

SEND Gateway have produced a handbook which reflects the approach that is needed to embed inclusive practice across schools - a shared vision and true collaboration, underpinned by professional challenge…

Talking racism and mental health in schools: podcast series

4 March 2022

How does experiencing racism impact young people’s mental health and self-esteem? What does it mean to be an anti-racist school? And what are some practical steps schools can take to…
