EduSuite Educational Updates

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Diverse Educator Toolkits

12 June 2022

Diverse Educators are building a series of toolkits to collate resources on key themes affecting educators and schools. The authors of each toolkit have curated recommended reading, listening and watching…

Early career framework induction evaluation

11 June 2022

Interim research report of the findings from the baseline ECF surveys with teachers at the start of their careers. The evaluation of the early career framework (ECF) rollout is still in its…

Podcast: sibling sexual abuse

10 June 2022

NSPCC Learning has released a new podcast episode looking at sibling sexual abuse, the impact on children and families and the importance of safety plans. This episode features Katy Tomkinson…

Moving forwards, making a difference – FREE Webinar

9 June 2022

The EEF has produced Moving Forwards, making a difference: A planning guide for schools 2022-2023, to support schools in their planning efforts in the academic year ahead. It proposes a…

Enhancing Childline’s counselling model: NSPCC evidence briefing

8 June 2022

Childline’s 24-hour confidential online and telephone counselling service provides children and young people across the UK with emotional support. In recent years, Childline has seen growing demand for its online counselling and…

How do classroom displays impact cognitive load?

7 June 2022

Classroom displays are very common in schools, with teachers often putting lots of effort into decorating their students’ learning space.  Previous research suggests that classroom displays do affect students’ learning in…

Podcast: Supporting vulnerable pupils – ACEs & trauma in the primary school

6 June 2022

This episode from Headteacher Update takes a practical look at how primary schools can support our most vulnerable pupils, including looked after children and those living with trauma and adverse…

Oak National Academy: resources translated into Ukrainian

30 May 2022

All 10,000 of Oak National Academy lessons, including video captions and worksheets, can now be auto translated into Ukrainian. Click here to find out more via the Oak Academy Support…

Life Friendly Leadership – a six week programme for HR and School Leaders

29 May 2022

Join the MTPT project to understand how to create life-friendly school cultures that empower our parent-teachers and retain experienced staff. In this six-week programme, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of…

How ‘Together for Childhood’ is bringing about change for local communities

28 May 2022

Together for Childhood is an innovative place-based programme that brings local partners and families together to prevent child abuse. The NSPCC undertakes research and evaluation activities across four Together for…

EEF blog: Moving Forwards, Making a Difference

25 May 2022

It is clear, both from the research and in talking to teachers and school leaders, that pupils continue to feel the effects of the partial school closures. Although national lockdowns…

Schools White Paper: Opportunity For All webinars  

24 May 2022

Regional Schools Commissioners are running free webinar Schools White paper events for maintained primary schools. Although these events are organised regionally, they are virtual and will cover the same material…
