EduSuite Educational Updates

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Embedding self-regulation in Early Years classrooms

28 September 2022

This reflective article, from the Chartered College, considers the steps taken to apply research recommendations within Early Years classrooms to encourage pupils to be independent and competent learners.  Self-regulated learning…

Mental health and wellbeing calendar: autumn term 2022

27 September 2022

The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families have produced a calendar of curriculum themes and occasions linked to mental health for the 2022 autumn term, with activity ideas…

Trauma – Pedagogy in practice: free online training

26 September 2022

The Chartered College of Teaching has partnered with ACAMH to present a FREE online training series, ‘Pedagogy in practice’, exclusively for teachers and school leaders. These are a series of FREE…

Podcast: Tackling the consequences of poverty

25 September 2022

This episode considers the consequences that poverty has for children and their education and offers a range of practical ideas – large and small – for how primary schools can…

Diverse Educators: Neurodiversity Toolkit

24 September 2022

The word ‘neurodiversity’ is an umbrella term to describe a large range of hereditary and acquired conditions that cause differences in brain development. The most common forms of neurodiversity are:…

Five Ways to Secure Progress Through Modelling

22 September 2022

A central feature of an instructional teaching process is for a teacher to show their students how to do something so that they can then do it themselves. This applies…

The challenge of teaching sustainability issues

21 September 2022

Sustainability and environmental issues are never far from the news these days. Bush fires, drought, extreme heat, flooding – these are all now acknowledged by scientists to be evidence of…

What is professional curiosity?

20 September 2022

In KCSIE Part one: Safeguarding information for all staff, the term professional curiosity is used in paragraph 19. The guidance states: All staff should be aware that children may not…

National Tutoring Programme: guidance for schools, 2022-2023

19 September 2022

The National Tutoring Programme (NTP) provides primary and secondary schools with funding to spend on targeted academic support, delivered by trained and experienced tutors and mentors. On 31st March 2022,…

Stress busting resources for school staff

18 September 2022

The Safeguarding Company has produced a range of resources for school staff on coping with stress. The past few years have been challenging for school staff. As important as the…

Diverse Educators podcast

17 September 2022

Diverse Educators have launched their new podcast. #Diverse Educators is an intersectional community of educators who are passionate about diversity, equity and inclusion. In series one of the #DiverseEd podcast…

EEF guide for governing boards

16 September 2022

School governors and trustees play a crucial role in improving school performance by providing support and challenge to the headteacher and their leadership team. It is essential, therefore, that you can…
