EduSuite Educational Updates

Regular updates of key educational news, research and blogs ensures school leaders and teaching staff are kept up to date on best practice and what is happening in the world of education.

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Rising school absences: the post pandemic education divide

6 November 2022

Over 28% of primary pupils and 40% of FSM secondary pupils who qualified for free school meals were persistently absent during the 2021/22 autumn term. Estimating the costs of absence…

EEF blog: Moving from ‘differentiation’ to ‘adaptive teaching’

5 November 2022

Over the past few years, ​‘differentiation’ has become an increasingly unpopular term in teaching. Most likely, it was an unintended consequence of an accountability system that incentivised teachers to ​‘prove’ they were…

Addressing emotionally-based school avoidance

4 November 2022

Emotionally-based school avoidance (EBSA) is a term referring to reduced or nonattendance at school by a child or young person. Rather than the term ‘school refusal’, the term EBSA recognises…

What is “Dead Time” and how do we cut it?

3 November 2022

Teachers are worked off their feet, busily shuttling from one activity to the next; be it preparing resources, marking, data entry, parental conversations, duties and meetings – not to mention…

Barnardo’s Education: Staff wellbeing resources

2 November 2022

Barnardo's Education has released a new collection of useful resources, to help build a culture that actively supports educators with their wellbeing. Through Wakelet they have gathered, organised and shared…

Latest pupil premium strategy template available

1 November 2022

The Department for Education has released the latest information on pupil premium funding. The pupil premium strategy template is used to report the school's use of pupil premium funding and…

EHRC: Preventing hair discrimination in schools

31 October 2022

EHRC have launched new guidance to help schools end hair discrimination and be inclusive places for all. The guidance is part of a package of resources designed to help school…

Ofsted blog for early years

31 October 2022

Ofsted has set up a blog page about education and care in children's early years. The aim is to keep providers up to date on developments in the early years…

Sir David Carter – The school improvement landscape

30 October 2022

"What is next for school improvement?" What are the factors that drive improvement? How can we build the culture for effective school improvement? What questions should school leaders have in…

Podcast: Together for Childhood – what we’ve learnt to help prevent abuse and neglect

29 October 2022

NSPCC Learning has released a new podcast episode on the NSPCC’s ‘Together for Childhood’ (TfC) place-based approach to preventing child abuse and neglect. The episode looks at how collaboration and…

Trauma-informed leadership: A framework for everyday practice

28 October 2022

Many teachers are familiar with the tenets of trauma-informed practice, but what do these look like from a whole-school leadership perspective? Dr Pooky Knightsmith outlines five principles. Principle 1: Safety…

Prevent duty self-assessment tool for schools

27 October 2022

Schools can now access a self-assessment tool to assist in gathering evidence about what is and is not working well in relation to their responsibilities under the Prevent duty. What…
