EduSuite Educational Updates

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Re-defining standards in English primary education

14 May 2023

To date, standards in primary schools have been measured through two instruments; SATs scores and Ofsted inspection outcomes. Both measures have been critiqued by some in the sector who argue that they have a negative impact on teacher…

Primary Education Voices: podcasts

13 May 2023

This podcast is a wonderful chance to get to know fellow Primary Education teachers better, learn about great ideas and resources and develop the great discussions shared with fellow practitioners.…

Managing online identity

12 May 2023

A series of education packs to encourage young people aged 3-18 to explore how they manage their online identity, and how the internet shapes how they think of themselves and…

Adaptive teaching and vocabulary instruction

11 May 2023

‘Adapting teaching’ is a recently popular – though long-standing – phrase. It captures the subtle and challenging art of teaching expertly so that pupils maximise their learning. The immense skill of…

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 toolkit of resources

10 May 2023

Mental Health Awareness Week starts on Monday 15th May, and is one of the biggest mental health awareness events in the school or college calendar.  The week is organised by…

How staff-to-child ratios work

9 May 2023

Alex Magloire (Ofsted Deputy Director, Early Years Regulatory Practice) produced a blog recently explaining how staff-to-child ratios work, as this is a question they are most frequently asked on their…

Rethinking the curriculum – Teaching for creativity and creative thinking

8 May 2023

This free webinar series launches an extensive project for the Chartered College, Rethinking Curriculum. The project aims to support and equip teachers and school leaders with the knowledge and skills to…

Why language matters: domestic abuse is broader than domestic violence

7 May 2023

The phrase “domestic violence” implies that we are talking solely about physical violence. This may restrict how we view abusive relationships and narrow our perceptions of what constitutes abuse. Although…

Physical Development: Wheely good?

6 May 2023

Cycling has become de rigueur. It came as a surprise, to learn that not all early years settings are fans of having bikes. In fact, some have got rid of…

IDSR updated – includes MTC results

5 May 2023

Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) was updated on 4th May 2023 with your school's final Key Stage 2 results for the 2022 testing cycle which includes the multiplication tables…

Top 10 tips for… sustainable school food

5 May 2023

Last year’s School report research (Pearson, 2022), two-thirds of the headteachers surveyed said they were taking steps to be more sustainable and eco-friendly by 2024. If we know that what we eat…

Effective questioning in the classroom: Three types

4 May 2023

A fundamental tool of an effective teacher is good questioning technique. It is one of the most effective and efficient ways to not only improve understanding of a topic or…
