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NECTM podcast: Maths vocabulary

17 July 2023

A primary maths lead in an area of high social and economic deprivation explains how a mastery approach to teaching precise mathematical vocabulary is giving pupils in her school a…

Ofsted subject report series: history

16 July 2023

An Ofsted subject report on the quality of history teaching in the schools inspected in England was published on 13th July 2023. This subject report evaluates the common strengths and…

#DiverseEd Conference

16 July 2023

Join DiverseEd for a day of networking, connecting and learning from likeminded educators who are passionate about DEIB. This is the first in-person #DiverseEd conference since the one in Slough…

Ofsted maths subject review published

15 July 2023

A new subject report into maths teaching, Coordinating mathematical success, was published by Ofsted on 13th July 2023. The full review identifies a range of points, including: Developing a mathematics curriculum…

Podcast: Supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing in schools

14 July 2023

Learn what education professionals can do to build a positive mental health culture in schools and recognise when young people are struggling. Mental health problems can impact on all aspects…

FFT KS1 attainment data 2023

13 July 2023

Over 1,400 primary schools shared 2023 Key Stage 1 data, including teacher assessments and test scaled scores, with the FFT. Across all subjects, there was a small increase in the…

Transition to secondary school: webinar for parents

12 July 2023

The move from primary school to secondary school can feel both exciting and overwhelming for children. It can also be a anxious time for parents or carers as their children takes…

Key Stage 2 data 2023 and free analysis tool

11 July 2023

Headline facts and figures - 2023 KS2 SATs data These statistics cover the attainment of year 6 pupils who took assessments in summer 2023. These pupils experienced disruption to their…

10 tips for school leaders on handling difficult conversations

11 July 2023

There are some conversations you’d probably rather not have, particularly if it means delivering unpleasant news, discussing a delicate subject, or talking about something that needs to change or has…

Transition from primary to secondary podcast

10 July 2023

A podcast brought to you by the Children and Youth Department of The Salvation Army, filled with ideas to help parents and children’s workers to create conversations about the transition…

An evidence-based early years classroom

9 July 2023

The Oxford Education Deanery and Department of Education present a day of learning focused on the Early Years classroom. A day of learning at the University of Oxford's Department of…

Are you listening?

8 July 2023

Gaurav Dubay, shares his thoughts about the important role listening plays in cognition. “Are you listening?” This question is echoed in classrooms up and down the country. Teachers are acutely…
