EduSuite Educational Updates

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RE Council: National Content Standard

1 November 2023

The RE Council’s National Content Standard provides a non-statutory benchmark for syllabus providers and other bodies to evaluate their work.  It is specifically for use in England.  It is not…

Early years foundation stage (EYFS): regulatory changes

31 October 2023

The government has published its response to the consultation on the proposed changes to requirements in the early years foundation stage (EYFS). The document provides a summary of responses and…

Beyond Good podcast: Lesson observations

30 October 2023

In this Beyond Good Podcast, Femi and Matt are speaking about lesson observations and related activities such as lesson visits, coaching and feedback.  They talk about being clear on why…

Next steps in teaching reading: building on foundations of early reading

29 October 2023

Reading has been a huge focus in primary education in recent years, and schools have invested huge amounts of time and energy in their curriculum and teaching. In this webinar,…

Handling difficult conversations: 10 tips for school leaders

28 October 2023

There are some conversations you’d probably rather not have, particularly if it means delivering unpleasant news, discussing a delicate subject, or talking about something that needs to change or has…

Learning through play: what the science says

27 October 2023

From our earliest days, play is how we relate to the world, and to each other. When children have plenty of opportunities to learn playfully, they do what they do…

EEF podcast: SEN in mainstream & adaptive teaching

26 October 2023

This episode of the EEF podcast, ​‘Evidence into Action’, focuses on SEN in mainstream & adaptive teaching. In this instalment, host Alex Quigley is joined by co-host, Kirsten Mould (Senior Content Manager) and…

Free SEND training for schools

25 October 2023

Funded by DfE, these online modules address some of the most common SEND training needs across the education sector. They aim to develop a whole school approach to inclusion and…

Primary school disadvantage gap stops widening

25 October 2023

The attainment gap between disadvantaged primary school pupils and their better-off peers has stopped growing, but remains far above pre-pandemic levels. The Department for Education has published updated key stage 2…

3 learning myths it’s time to bust

24 October 2023

Ditching misconceptions about how the brain learns best—and following what the research really says—can help teachers better support students’ development. The video below busts these three myths... Myth 1: Tests…

Maths curriculum resources from Oak Academy

23 October 2023

New curriculum plans and early-release lessons from Oak National Academy have been published for primary and secondary maths. All resources are being developed by MEI, who are consulting with the NCETM to…

How to appear calm when you don’t feel it

22 October 2023

In this video, Pooky Knightsmith explores six simple strategies for keeping your cool and appearing calm and in control when you’re at risk of your feelings bubbling over. These ideas…
