EduSuite Educational Updates

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Sign up: Ofsted’s education update for headteachers

14 December 2023

Ofsted has just launched an education update for headteachers. The aim of the update is for Ofsted to keep school leaders up to date with news and developments taking place…

Podcast: The importance of oracy in closing the disadvantage gap

13 December 2023

Angela Schofield, from Staffordshire research school, discusses the fundamental role oracy can play in closing the disadvantage gap.  Click to listen

Early years curriculum: A curriculum for communication and language

12 December 2023

Watch for free part 2 of Ofsted's series of short webinars about the early years curriculum with a focus on communication and language. In this video, Kirsty Godfrey (Senior HMI,…

Early years qualification requirements from Jan 2024

11 December 2023

The Department for Education (DfE) has released a document which sets out the minimum qualification requirements that staff must meet to be recognised as level 2, level 3 or level…

Research: narrowing attainment gaps between ethnic groups

10 December 2023

The DfE has published research entitled, 'How trusts and schools narrow attainment gaps between ethnic groups: a preliminary investigation'. The research, commissioned as part of Inclusive Britain, sough to answer…

What’s New? Evidence briefings for school leaders

9 December 2023

Free online briefing summarises recent evidence from the EEF and other reputable sources. Join the research school for half-termly briefings to explore the latest findings from the EEF and other…

Ofsted inspection “contributed” to the death of headteacher Ruth Perry

8 December 2023

An Ofsted inspection "contributed" to the death of headteacher Ruth Perry, an inquest has ruled. The coroner's verdict was recorded as "suicide: contributed to by an Ofsted inspection carried out…

Receive support in managing attendance

7 December 2023

If you are a senior leader who would like support and resources to improve your approach to managing attendance, then join an attendance hub. Eligibility Support is available for senior…

Understanding primary and secondary sources in history

6 December 2023

Since 2019, there has been a significant change in history teaching, emphasising the crucial role of sources in acquiring knowledge. It's important for teachers to distinguish between sources and evidence.…

Early years foundation stage profile results 2022/23

5 December 2023

Headline results 67.2% of children achieved a good level of development (up from 65.2% in 2021/22). 65.6% of children were at expected level across all early learning goals (pp from…

Consultation: minimum service levels in schools

4 December 2023

The government has launched a consultation on setting minimum service levels in schools in the event of future industrial action by teachers. This is known as the Strikes (Minimum Service…

Ofsted to implement changes to post-inspection process.

3 December 2023

Ofsted has announced that it will implement all 4 changes proposed in its recent consultation on post-inspection arrangements and complaints handling. The changes are: Enhanced on-site professional dialogue during inspections…
