EduSuite Educational Updates

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Recovery premium funding guidance and allocations

4 October 2021

The DfE has published a guidance document for recovery premium. The recovery premium provides additional funding for state-funded schools in the 2021 to 2022 academic year. Building on the pupil premium, this funding…

Early career framework: how to tackle the workload

3 October 2021

As new teachers and mentors become overwhelmed with the workload around the new ECF, one expert shares his advice on how to relieve the pressure. The introduction of the ECF…

Research: how can coaching lead to school improvement?

2 October 2021

New research shows coaching can lead to school improvement, write Rachel Lofthouse and Trista Hollweck. As the new school year starts, there is a renewed interest in coaching for teachers and leaders, especially…

Managing your school’s online reputation

1 October 2021

The internet and social media provide incredible opportunities for schools to share news about events, activities,learning and much more. But it also allows everyone else to offer their opinions about…

Free bereavement training for teachers

30 September 2021

Did you know that on average, 1 in 29 children will be bereaved of a parent? Bereaved children require support to ensure they can cope with their grief and often…

How to choose a phonics programme

29 September 2021

Gordon Askew, founder and chair of the English Hubs Council and phonics adviser to the DfE from 2010 - 2020 has written a useful article, published on exploring what…

Promoting and supporting mental health and wellbeing in schools and colleges update

28 September 2021

The DfE has updated the following sections of the document: ‘Whole School or College Approach’, ‘Senior mental health leads training’, ‘Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs)’ and ‘Mental health and wellbeing resources’ sections.…

What is deliberate practice?

27 September 2021

Picture the scene – teachers are filing out of an after-school CPD session fired up with enthusiasm to try a new pedagogical strategy. The member of SLT leading the session…

Black History Month – Proud to be

25 September 2021

'Inspired by Black Lives Matter, Black History Month UK are launching a new campaign for Black History Month 2021 called ‘Proud To Be’. The campaign will encourage Black and Brown…

Fostering leaders in the Early Years

24 September 2021

Read an open access article from The Chartered College of Teaching from the latest issue of Impact. In this article Polly Crowther and Mona Sakr explore the need for improved…

National professional qualifications (NPQs) reforms

23 September 2021

National professional qualifications (NPQs) are a national, voluntary suite of qualifications, designed to support the professional development of teachers and leaders. A reformed suite of NPQs has become available this term for…

The Story Time trial

22 September 2021

A trial is set to explore which techniques used by teachers when reading stories aloud have the greatest impact on pupil progress. The Story Time Trial, commissioned by the Education…
