EduSuite Educational Updates

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Ofsted physical education and the curriculum webinar

13 November 2021

Ofsted have released 'physical education and curriculum' - a new webinar from specialist lead for physical education Hanna Miller HMI. The national curriculum for PE aims to ensure that all…

An Equality & Justice Curriculum

12 November 2021

Exploring some of the biggest questions of our time From Black Lives Matter to Fridays for the Future to Decolonise the Curriculum, young people across the world are responding to…

Using your pupil premium funding effectively

11 November 2021

Research has found that disadvantaged pupils have been worst affected by the impact of the pandemic. It is therefore more important than ever that school strategies focus on support for…

Taking a step back from burn-out…

10 November 2021

Burn-out is not inevitable. As a school leader, how do you take care of yourself? Frances Robertson urges you to avoid burn-out by making time to reflect and step back…

Computing curriculum video from Ofsted

9 November 2021

Ofsted have released a recorded webinar delivered by Marc White, HMI, Subject Lead for Computing on how to identify the most significant knowledge and how to ensure that what is…

Alternative provision and unregulated schools

8 November 2021

There has been a reported rise in the number of primary-aged pupils in alternative provision. For children struggling in mainstream schools there are high-quality state-funded pupil referral units and good independent…

Thinking, planning and wondering come before descriptive writing

8 November 2021

If you want to inspire children to write, there are a number of things to consider before they put pen to paper according to Emma Carroll, an author with 20…

Selecting an appropriate senior mental health lead training course

7 November 2021

The grant application service is now available for schools and colleges to apply for a senior mental health lead training grant. All state-funded education settings are eligible to apply for one training…

MapChart – create custom maps

6 November 2021

Did you know that MapChart is a free tool to help you create custom maps. There are a wide range of options including: Making a map of the World, Europe,…

Want to know more about flexible working?

5 November 2021

Are you a school leader or governor who would like to find out more about flexible working? The Department for Education is funding training, offered by Timewise Flexible Working Consultancy,…

Top tips for collecting meaningful formative data

5 November 2021

"There have been so many changes to assessment and data collection in primary schools over recent years, and it feels hard to keep up. A multitude of assessment information —…

EEF project: science professional development

4 November 2021

Thinking, Doing, Talking Science (TDTS) is a professional development programme designed to improve science outcomes by making science lessons more focused, creative and effective. Teachers are trained to develop and teach…
