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Childline posters

15 October 2021

NSPCC Learning has updated its series of Childline posters encouraging primary and secondary school children to contact Childline if they need to talk. The series includes posters for the Childline…

EEF publishes new guidance on professional development

14 October 2021

School leaders should focus on the key mechanisms of effective professional development – such as goal setting, feedback or revisiting prior learning – when selecting or designing new training for…

Structure and function of the science curriculum: key insights from Ofsted’s research review

12 October 2021

Ofsted have published a presentation from Jasper Green HMI, the subject lead for science, on the structure and function of the science curriculum. Click here to view or download the…

EEF blog: Working with schemas and why it matters to teachers

11 October 2021

Assistant Headteacher Hydeh Fayaz explains the importance of working with schemas in supporting pupil learning. Findings from cognitive science can offer useful insights for teachers in every classroom. In the…

Ensuring you keep retrieval practice low stakes in the classroom

10 October 2021

A recent research study explored both beneficial and detrimental effects of testing as a learning strategy, wanting to answer the following question: is retrieval practice a double-edged sword? Here’s why it…

Free guidance documents for parents of EAL learners.

9 October 2021

‘Helping children learn’ & ‘About the English Education system’ are now also available in Dari and Pashto to support Afghan refugees. Download the short, easy to understand guides for parents…

Curriculum prioritisation in primary maths

8 October 2021

A term by term framework to support planning and teaching in 2021/22 This resource provides coherent sequencing for the primary maths curriculum. It draws together the DfE guidance on curriculum…

Children are less active – is it bad news for their academic performance?

7 October 2021

On average, the NHS recommends young people aged 5 to 18 to get at least 60 minutes of exercise per day. However, a recent survey has found a 40% drop in the number…

Thoughtful Questioning: Why Cold Call Is Not Enough

5 October 2021

Cold Calling is the name given to the practice of asking a question and then selecting a child to answer. The theory is that it causes all children to think…

Recovery premium funding guidance and allocations

4 October 2021

The DfE has published a guidance document for recovery premium. The recovery premium provides additional funding for state-funded schools in the 2021 to 2022 academic year. Building on the pupil premium, this funding…

Early career framework: how to tackle the workload

3 October 2021

As new teachers and mentors become overwhelmed with the workload around the new ECF, one expert shares his advice on how to relieve the pressure. The introduction of the ECF…

Research: how can coaching lead to school improvement?

2 October 2021

New research shows coaching can lead to school improvement, write Rachel Lofthouse and Trista Hollweck. As the new school year starts, there is a renewed interest in coaching for teachers and leaders, especially…
