EduSuite Educational Updates

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Want to know more about flexible working?

5 November 2021

Are you a school leader or governor who would like to find out more about flexible working? The Department for Education is funding training, offered by Timewise Flexible Working Consultancy,…

Top tips for collecting meaningful formative data

5 November 2021

"There have been so many changes to assessment and data collection in primary schools over recent years, and it feels hard to keep up. A multitude of assessment information —…

EEF project: science professional development

4 November 2021

Thinking, Doing, Talking Science (TDTS) is a professional development programme designed to improve science outcomes by making science lessons more focused, creative and effective. Teachers are trained to develop and teach…

Carried forward unspent PE and sport premium grant funding

3 November 2021

As a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the DfE relaxed the ring-fencing arrangements for the PE and sport premium in the 2019 to 2020 academic year, to allow any…

Schools told to report on catch-up tutoring efforts, Tes reports

1 November 2021

According to Catherine Lough, reporter at Tes, schools have been ordered to submit performance data on how they are spending school-led catch-up tutoring grants from the first week back after…

Covid learning loss data

31 October 2021

The Department for Education has published its findings into the learning loss of pupils due to Covid in 2020/21. Below are some of the key headlines. Reading By the end…

Getting the “Think-Pair-Share” technique right

29 October 2021

Most educators are familiar with Think-Pair-Share, a popular technique used to ask questions in class and promote peer collaboration and communication. Yet, as with all classroom practices, it can be…

History curriculum video from Ofsted

28 October 2021

Ofsted has released an informative video where Tim Jenner, HMI, Schools and Subject Lead for History, talks about two key features of history teaching -  the knowledge of substantive concepts…

School behaviour policy checklist

27 October 2021

This school behaviour policy checklist from Satchel One has been created in line with DfE requirements and is designed to provide you with guidance for what should be included in…

Is your class COP26 ready?

26 October 2021

To help schools across the country to get involved and join a unique moment, the DfE have provided a range of resources and live events to support your lessons on…

KS1 and KS2 assessment changes: the key details

25 October 2021

Headteacher Michael Tidd looks in depth at the new Assessment and Reporting Arrangements documents for KS1 and KS2. Starting with the phonics checks happening in Year 2 next half-term, the…

Anti-bullying Alliance free online training

24 October 2021

The Anti-bullying Alliance have developed free CPD-certified anti-bullying online training for anyone that works with children and young people. Training courses include: What is bullying?10 principles to reduce bullying.Responding to…
