EduSuite Educational Updates

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What is values based leadership?

22 April 2022

Values based leadership is when leaders draw on both their own core values and the negotiated and defined values of the work organisation for guidance and motivation. Values-based school leaders…

Overcoming adversity in teaching: exploring resilience within

21 April 2022

The increased demands on teachers, which are normally considered to drain resources and threaten wellbeing, have left 77% of teachers experiencing symptoms of poor mental health due to their workload,…

Why longer waits times might transform learning

20 April 2022

When teaching, every second counts. But what if having a few extra seconds of silence meant that your pupils were more engaged and participated more often? Well, that is exactly…

Ofsted webinar: Effective culture of safeguarding in schools

9 April 2022

Watch a presentation on an effective culture of safeguarding and inspection for schools from two Senior HMI in the North East Yorkshire and Humber region, Kate Rowley and Claire Brown.…

Action for Children report on childhood wellbeing in the UK

8 April 2022

Action for Children has released a report on childhood wellbeing in the UK, compiling the results of three YouGov surveys completed by children, parents, and grandparents. Findings from the 2022…

Children and parents: media use and attitudes report 2022

7 April 2022

This report looks at media use, attitudes and understanding among children and young people aged 3-17. It also includes findings on parents’ views about their children’s media use, and how…

Ofsted schools webinar: inspections and the COVID-19 pandemic

6 April 2022

Register for a free webinar on Monday 9th May 2022, 3:30pm - 4:30 pm, and join Ofsted as they discuss school inspections and the context of the context of the…

Why focus on reading fluency?

5 April 2022

Ensuring every child has the necessary skills they need to read is an essential component of literacy education. It enables children to not only learn across the curriculum but also…

DfE press release: National Tutoring Programme

5 April 2022

Plans have been set out for the next year of the National Tutoring Programme, where schools will receive funding directly to help reach pupils most in need of support. Children…

Anti-racism and mental health in school resources

4 April 2022

Experiencing racism has significant mental health consequences for young people. That’s why all schools need to consider anti-racism as part of their whole-school approach to mental health. The Anna Freud…

Securing Good Attendance & Tackling Persistent Absence: Department for Education and Ofsted webinar

3 April 2022

Ofsted and the Department for Education delivered a webinar on 15 February 2022 sharing the findings of a recent Ofsted report looking at effective school practice for reducing absence and…

The right to choose: government guidance on forced marriage

2 April 2022

This newly published (21st March 2022) document comprises statutory guidance for heads of safeguarding organisations, and non-statutory guidance for front-line professionals, on forced marriage. This document comprises: statutory guidance on…
