EduSuite Educational Updates

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Request a Climate Ambassador for your school

16 November 2022

Climate Ambassadors is a new initiative led by the University of Reading, UKRI and STEM Learning to mobilise experts within the climate sector and support them with engaging with young…

Improving attendance: good practice for schools and multi-academy trusts

15 November 2022

The DfE have recorded a range of webinars where schools and multi-academy trusts share their different techniques for improving attendance rates in their settings. The latest one 'School attendance guidance…

Schools Like Yours – Updated for 2022

14 November 2022

Schools Like Yours is a free tool designed to help you benchmark your school against similar schools, giving you if not complete freedom then a lot of options to decide…

The relationship between month of birth, exclusions and identification of special educational needs

13 November 2022

The return of national assessments in Key Stage 1, including Year 1 phonics, has again shone a light on the attainment of summer-born pupils relative to their autumn-born peers. For example,…

Anxiety levels among headteachers more than doubled at pandemic peak

12 November 2022

Headteachers experienced a substantial increase in work-related anxiety during the pandemic which could affect the recruitment and retention of senior leaders, says a new study published by UCL researchers. The…

The benefits of retrieval practice in Early Years Foundation Stage

11 November 2022

Retrieval practice is often one of the first educational strategies that comes to mind, proven effective in helping pupils to learn and remember information. But are its benefits limited only…

DfE update: PE and sport premium for primary schools

10 November 2022

The DfE guidance document: PE and sport premium for primary schools has been updated to include revised payment dates for 2022 to 2023 and provide clarification on sustainable improvements and…

Ofsted research: Alternative provision used due to lack of specialist provision

8 November 2022

New Ofsted research, published on 8th November 2022, finds a lack of access to specialist help means more primary school children with additional needs are being referred to alternative provision…

DfE Guidance: Working definition of trauma-informed practice

8 November 2022

On 2nd November 2022, the DfE published a 'Working definition of trauma-informed practice'. Trauma-informed approaches have become increasingly cited in policy and adopted in practice, however, there has been a…

4 tips for presenting new material and reducing cognitive load

7 November 2022

How you choose to present new information can either inhibit or maximise your pupils’ learning, due to how they process the content in their working memory. This is where cognitive…

Rising school absences: the post pandemic education divide

6 November 2022

Over 28% of primary pupils and 40% of FSM secondary pupils who qualified for free school meals were persistently absent during the 2021/22 autumn term. Estimating the costs of absence…

EEF blog: Moving from ‘differentiation’ to ‘adaptive teaching’

5 November 2022

Over the past few years, ​‘differentiation’ has become an increasingly unpopular term in teaching. Most likely, it was an unintended consequence of an accountability system that incentivised teachers to ​‘prove’ they were…
