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Strep A and scarlet fever – what are they and what are the symptoms? Information for parents, schools, colleges and early years providers.

8 December 2022

We are seeing an increased number of cases of Group A streptococcus (Strep A) compared to normal at this time of year. There is no evidence that a new strain…

Spacing benefits primary, secondary, university AND mature students

8 December 2022

There are two ‘Eff’ words we permit in classrooms – efficiency and effectiveness; the former begets the latter, and the latter is, to quote Peter Drucker, “doing the right things”.…

School leaders report rise in pupils not on free meals going hungry

7 December 2022

Increasing numbers of children cannot afford lunch and are coming to school without adequate clothes. More than half of school leaders in England are seeing more pupils who cannot afford…

Disability Discrimination in School Settings (And How to Avoid It)

6 December 2022

Could your school be discriminating against disabled pupils without realising? The Equality Act 2010 guidance for Schools states that a person has a disability if, “They have a physical or…

Safeguarding: Pressures on designated leads is alarming

5 December 2022

A new survey reveals the toll of increasing demand on school safeguarding leads as the cost-of-living crisis bites. School leaders know that pupil safeguarding is under increasing pressure. Government data shows that…

FREE School Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead community

4 December 2022

Carnegie School Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead Community: our vision is to develop a community that supports and empowers School based colleagues who are committed to strengthening mental health and…

What does Islamophobia look like in schools – and what can schools do about it?

3 December 2022

Islamophobia is real. It is a real experience for Muslims and has been defined by the All Party Parliamentary Group on British Muslims as ‘rooted in racism and … a…

5 ways Dove’s Self-Esteem Project empowers your pupils

2 December 2022

Low body confidence can leave young people with an increased risk of mental health issues, low self-esteem and a lack of motivation. The Dove Self-Esteem Project empowers young people to embrace their…

Attainment data – what every school leader needs to know

1 December 2022

Data expert James Pembroke drills down into how progress will be measured from KS1 assessments. As pupils returned to school at the start of September, the Department for Education published an…

Proactive wellbeing coaching: How to support yourself & your team

30 November 2022

In school we have many factors which have an impact on pupil and staff wellbeing: Isolation: How many staffrooms are empty these days? The lack of social interaction by some…

Hundreds of formerly outstanding schools reinspected

29 November 2022

Ofsted has recently published a commentary explaining that over 80% (308) of outstanding primary and secondary schools exempt from routine inspection that had a graded inspection last year did not retain the…

Multiplication tables check attainment data 2022

28 November 2022

The latest statistics on the attainment of pupils in the 2022 multiplication tables check have been released. There is no expected standard in the multiplication tables check, but higher scores indicate…
