EduSuite Educational Updates

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Best practice guide for online safety

25 April 2023

Research has shown that vulnerable children, including children in care, experience significant benefits from being online but are also more at risk of harm than their peers, and therefore require tailored…

Podcast: What is primary history?

24 April 2023

'Thinking Deeply about Primary Education' asks expert teacher, Stuart Tiffany for his views on what constitutes history in the primary/elementary classroom and how this differs, if at all, from history…

Free network event – Working with parents of children with SEND

23 April 2023

The educational experiences of many autistic children are not yet at the standard they deserve, resulting in them being denied a dignified life. Many parents are constantly having to fight…

How tone of voice shapes your classroom culture

22 April 2023

Using your voice to manage a classroom is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. Teachers vocalize to impart information through direct instruction, gauge student understanding by asking…

Ofsted’s response to reforming school inspections

21 April 2023

Amanda Spielman, HM Chief Inspector, has responded to calls for reforming school inspections in light of the recent tragic death of Ruth Perry. In her commentary, Spielman sets out some…

Supporting bereaved pupils

21 April 2023

Many people express fear at the idea of supporting a child who has experienced a significant loss or bereavement and feel this should be the realm of the specialist. While…

Therapeutic play – What is it and how can we use it in Early Years?

20 April 2023

In early years education children are encouraged to engage in a variety of academic and play-based activities. For children, however, play is not only an activity but a method of…

The Education Committee launches recruitment and retention enquiry

19 April 2023

The Education Committee is set to investigate the driving factors behind chronic teacher shortages as part of a new inquiry launched April 2023. A new inquiry into teacher recruitment, training…

Pupils who need to catch up with reading

18 April 2023

Ofsted recently released a video from a webinar about secondary-aged pupils who need to catch up with reading. The themes in the video are also useful to primary schools, when…

Early Years and the transition to school

17 April 2023

Join this Early Years in Mind (EYIM) free webinar on the transition to primary school and school readiness.   Although the transition to primary education can be an exciting time for many,…

Meeting the requirements of the new music curriculum

16 April 2023

How to prepare for the National Plan for Music Education, which will come into effect in 2024. England’s second National Plan for Music Education (NPME) was released in June 2022,…

National Institute of Teaching launches major new consultation on CPD

15 April 2023

The National Institute of Teaching has launched a major consultation to bridge gaps in the research on professional development for teachers and teacher-leaders. The consultation, which will run for eight…
