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Pupil premium funding topping up budgets

23 April 2024

The Sutton Trust's 'School Funding and Pupil Premium Report 2024' reveals a worsening picture of school funding with growing staff cuts along with reductions in spending for a range of…

UK Trauma Council Insight Series: Unpacking complex trauma

22 April 2024

The UK Trauma Council’s new live webinar series provides expert insights into important trauma-related areas affecting children and young people.  The first webinar in the series is free: Thursday 16…

How to help autistic pupils take control of their own mental health 

21 April 2024

Many autistic young people experience mental health issues. Every autistic pupil is different so it’s really important to get to know the individual and understand techniques to support their wellbeing…

New Ofsted report finds schools need to add depth to their RE curriculum

20 April 2024

Inspectors found that leaders have been keen to improve the quality of education in RE. However, evidence shows that there has been little progress since Ofsted’s last subject report in 2013. The…

Exploring what young people in Together for Childhood know, think and do about child abuse

19 April 2024

Together for Childhood is an evidence-informed place-based approach, bringing local partners and families together to make communities safer for children. As part of this, Together for Childhood works with children…

Period poverty: Call to continue free period products in schools

18 April 2024

Charities are calling for the government to continue providing free period products in schools. The Department for Education (DfE) said that "the scheme is currently running until July 2024" and…

Share your daily school attendance data

17 April 2024

From the start of the 2024 to 2025 academic year, it will be mandatory for schools to share their attendance data with the Department for Education (DfE). The guide to mandatory…

Multiplication tables check guidance available

16 April 2024

The standards and testing agency has published guidance for the administration of the multiplication tables check (MTC) this summer. Schools must administer the check within the 2 week period between…

Dealing with subject access requests (SARs)

15 April 2024

The DfE has updated guidance relating to data protection in schools. This is relevant to maintained and academy schools. The section on handling other information rights requests has been updated…

KCSiE consultation for 2025

14 April 2024

Keeping children safe in education (KCSIE) is designed to help schools and colleges identify concerns early, develop the right relationships with other professionals, and support them to put appropriate processes and…

Webinar: The benefits of Forest School for children with SEMH needs

13 April 2024

Forest School is a concept first established in Denmark in the 19th century, it came to the UK in the 1990s and is now an established part of many schools’ curriculum.…

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller representation in your primary school library

12 April 2024

Positive Gypsy, Roma and Traveller characters in children’s books can inspire and engage young readers. The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) carries out annual research into representation in…

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