Much has been written and debated about effective reading pedagogy and curricula, but the focus has largely been on early reading, helping pupils to crack the alphabetic code and blend black symbols on a page into words, sentences and paragraphs. But this is not all that reading is. Reading for meaning sparks imagination, ideas and emotions. This is how we encourage our pupils to love reading.
This staff meeting starter encourages staff to consider the pedagogy of the teaching of reading and think about how we can sustain excellent reading teaching right through to the end of year 6.
Linked resources
Premium subscribers can access two training modules relating to Ofsted’s research into English. The research review about reading covers text complexity and progression in comprehension, effective pedagogy and the importance of literary knowledge. The English subject report highlights the strengths and weaknesses seen in the school’s Ofsted visited and shares good practice around all aspects of English including reading. You can find both training modules in the ‘subject research reviews’ section.
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