Proficiency in reading is essential in order for pupils to successfully access the English and broader curriculum. Skilled reading requires accurate, speedy word reading and good language comprehension. Ofsted’s research found that some schools are effective in developing pupils’ reading fluency once they can decode. They provide pupils with lots of opportunities to read aloud and be read to, so they learn how to control the pace and intonation in their reading. However, this is not the case in all schools.
This staff meeting starter provides an opportunity for staff to discuss how the English curriculum develops and builds reading accuracy and fluency.
Linked resources
Premium subscribers can access two training modules relating to Ofsted’s research into English. The research review about reading covers text complexity and progression in comprehension, effective pedagogy and the importance of literary knowledge. The English subject report highlights the strengths and weaknesses seen in the school’s Ofsted visited and shares good practice around all aspects of English including reading. You can find both training modules in the ‘subject research reviews’ section.
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