The scope of religious education (RE) is vast. Through RE, pupils encounter ancient and living traditions that have shaped the world. They explore foundational texts and the way that individuals and groups live in the world, as well as the values, beliefs and ideas that bind people together. However Ofsted’s subject report found that the curriculum does not always provide pupils with the depth of knowledge they require for future learning due to its breadth.
This staff meeting starter provides opportunity for staff to discuss whether the RE curriculum in their school has sufficient substance to prepare pupils to live in a complex world and the content selected is collectively enough to ensure pupils are able to engage in a multi-religious and multi-secular society.
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Premium subscribers can access two training modules relating to Ofsted’s research into Religious Education. Both videos explore the importance of curriculum development, progression and organisation. You can find these training modules in the ‘subject research reviews’ section. To access them quickly, just type ‘religious’ in the search bar or click the button below
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