Building a culture of staff resilience


01/10/2024 - 01/10/2024


15:30 - 16:30

Course Cost

£40 or free to EduSuite members

Delivery Method


Event Location


Building a culture of staff resilience.

How can school leaders build a culture of resilience among their staff? This is a question many leaders are asking as they grapple with balancing the needs of the school with the needs of their staff.

Evidence has shown that those leaders who look after themselves, and build their own resilience, are more likely to create a staff team who are resilient. Staff also need to feel empowered to make a contribution to the future direction of the school, as this adds to their sense of purpose and fulfilment at work.

During this event we will share 5 strategies you can use to build staff resilience along with real-life examples from schools we visit.

This event is suitable for all leaders in primary schools.


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