Supporting primary pupils to develop scientific vocabulary can help them to actively participate in science learning and effectively communicate their understanding. However, scientific vocabulary can often be confusing and abstract, making it difficult for pupils to fully understand and use it. Even everyday words can suddenly have a new meaning when used in a science context. The Education Endowment Foundation found that explicitly teaching scientific vocabulary is a useful strategy to help pupils learn.
This staff meeting starter encourages discussion about how effectively the planning and implementation of your science curriculum ensures pupils acquire the vocabulary needed to learn science.
Linked resources
Premium subscribers can access a number of training modules linked to this staff meeting starter.
Effective vocabulary instruction
Effective vocabulary instruction explains how to teach vocabulary, sharing a wide range of practical examples which can be used throughout primary school.
Explicit, Teacher-Led Instruction
In this training module we explain and demonstrate the strategy of explicit, teacher-led instruction, which is the best method to use when teaching pupils brand new material, strategies or concepts.
Science research review
In the science research review we share the key elements from Ofsted’s research including what it means to get better at science; the products, practices, uses and significance of science; curriculum progression of substantive and disciplinary knowledge; and the development of practical work.
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