EduSuite Staff Meeting Starters

Staff meeting starters prompt short discussions to keep everyone up to date on current educational thinking. The discussions will build a shared understanding of good practice and an awareness of school policies and procedures.

Staff meeting starters are uploaded weekly and we send out an email alert to senior leaders to ensure the latest staff meeting starter is not missed!

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Clear Search Assessment Curriculum Diversity Pedagogy Safeguarding SEND Teaching Wellbeing

2024/2025 Show/Hide

School Support Solutions

59. Dialogic teaching

Dialogic teaching aims to improve pupil engagement and attainment by improving the…

School Support Solutions

58. Mathematical problem solving through metacognition

Recommendation 5 of the EEF’s ​‘Improving Mathematics in key stage two and three’ guidance…

School Support Solutions

57. The importance of schema

In early childhood practice, it is well established that children learn through their…

School Support Solutions

56. Self-regulation in the early years

Self-regulation involves a complex range of skills and abilities that enable children to…

School Support Solutions

55. Challenge – the Goldilocks effect

The ‘Goldilocks principle’ states that teachers should focus on material that is…

School Support Solutions

54. High-quality Religious Education

The scope of religious education (RE) is vast. Through RE, pupils encounter ancient…

School Support Solutions

53. Building reading proficiency

Proficiency in reading is essential in order for pupils to successfully access…

School Support Solutions

52. Teaching and developing vocabulary

Speech and language has been identified as one of the areas most…

School Support Solutions

51. Effective use of teaching assistants

There are many highly trained, expert teaching assistants who are well-managed, well-deployed and…

School Support Solutions

50. Developing listening skills

Effective listening is a critical skill for learners to develop. Listening is…

School Support Solutions

49. Assessing personal development

It is often tricky to measure personal development because teachers may not…

School Support Solutions

48. Safeguarding: low-level concerns (staff)

Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) states that it is vital there…

School Support Solutions

47. Pupil engagement and ‘proxies for learning’

Professor Rob Coe asserts that as teachers we sometimes confuse pupil engagement…

School Support Solutions

46. SEND ‘five-a-day’ principle – using technology

Technology has the potential to improve teaching and learning in a wide…

School Support Solutions

45. Higher order thinking skills

Many teachers are familiar with Bloom’s taxonomy as a resource for focusing…

School Support Solutions

44. Establishing and maintaining expectations

Setting expectations is an essential aspect of managing behaviour in our classrooms.…


SMS archive 2023/24 Show/Hide