EduSuite & Schoolaspect
Schoolaspect is a cloud-based software package is a school improvement and monitoring tool which seamlessly integrates the SEF, school improvement plan and monitoring tasks as well as staff appraisal and even policy management, saving time and promoting a whole-school approach to improvement.
Budget savings
As a member of the EduSuite you gain full access to Schoolaspect at no extra cost, meaning a saving of at least £750 per year for a two-form entry primary school.
The software covers all aspects of school improvement:
Self Evaluation
Structured around Ofsted and faith frameworks, governors, teachers, team members have access to view and understand the school’s self-evaluation as well as being able to contribute towards its content and upload supporting evidence. Areas of improvement are linked to improvement plans and progress is automatically included in the SEF.
Improvement Planning
Schoolaspect is a centralised online resource enabling you to keep all your school improvement plans up to date and available for all staff. The system ensures all staff members can take ownership of, and understand the school’s improvement progress. Plans no longer get pigeon-holed or filed away with limited reference or visibility. Email based reminders ensure monitoring tasks are never missed or overlooked.
We provide a suite of monitoring templates including, learning walks, lesson observations, work scrutinies, pupil discussions and much more. All templates include the teachers’ standards and link to objectives in your improvement plans.
Staff Appraisals
The appraisal module pulls together the outcomes of all monitoring, involvement in school improvement plans, and allows each member of staff to upload evidence of their work. With information all in one place, it’s easy to make an informed and fair judgement of staff performance.
Policy Management
With this module you can automatically track who has read and ratified policies, easily reminding those who haven’t done so. Automatic review reminders ensure policies are never out of date. Policies can be embedded into your school website giving you control over which are shared and automatically updated.